Friday, November 17, 2017

Tales From the Bumpy Log Social Club

What is the Bumpy Log Social Club?

A very different sort of place.  Technically, it’s not a managed club.  The owner really only provides the facility and most of the furniture and conveniences.  The regulars know where stuff is and how to fix drinks and food if it’s not already available.  Imagine in your own home a huge living-dining room with a big kitchen and restrooms attached.  One of the first things you’ll notice on entering, besides being asked if you know the secret password, is the décor.    It features lots of rough cut, gnarly, burly, knotty woods.  That’s where The Bumpy Log gets its name.  The origin of The Bumpy Log Social Club is sort of a fun story.

Ever since Desert Storm, Ezekiel Dossett had shied away from people.  He became almost a recluse, yet he loved friends and family.  He was in a rough spot.  He loved to talk to new people, but he was anything but a social butterfly.  You probably know the type.  You might even be that type.

Ten or so years ago, EZ, as Ezekiel’s friends called him, was out cruising the yard sales for treasures for his flea market booth in Warrensburg.  He’d dreamed of one day owning his own second hand store.  EZ drove up to the intersection of two roads he’d never before traveled.  He spotted beat up, weathered, barely readable “For Sale” signs on opposite corners of the intersection.  In his imagination, he saw the rainbow ending right over that junction.  He even thought he heard harp music.  Ezekiel knew these places were meant for him.  The junction already had his name on it: County Road E and County Road ZZ –E-Z’s.

EZ got the places for about the price of a new car.  Both needed paint, but got vinyl siding instead.  The place that became The Bumpy Log had to be re-roofed after replacing a few boards.

It turned out EZ got more from the deal than he expected.  He thought he was buying just the two corner lots, but they happened to be part of a 160 acre farmstead within which lied his intersection.  He owned all four corners and down the road a bit all four directions.

Ezekiel set to work clearing brush to make his new buildings more visible and in doing so, uncovered old signs at three of the four approaches which read, “Nowhere.”

“Oh great!” he thought, “I bought business property, but in the middle of Nowhere.”  So he set out to discover that story.

Long ago, while the settlers were still picking out plots of land, a largish family came through the area.  Dad finally got fed up with the kids’ fussing, “Are we there yet?” He stopped the wagons and yelled, red-faced and spitting out the very deliberate words, “NO!  WE ARE NEVER THERE!  WE WILL NEVER BE THERE!  WE ARE ALWAYS HERE!  WE WILL ALWAYS BE HERE!  NOW HERE!  NOW HERE!”  And Dad muttered loudly as he yanked a top sideboard off a wagon and scrawled a sign saying, “NOWHERE” and drove it into the ground.  The kids and the rest of the people stared in silence.  The dog wasn’t even sure how to respond.

Of course, we know original records to places in Donowutt County got lost in Quantrill’s courthouse fire, so we really don’t know how true all this is.

The woman who previously owned EZ’s new property died and willed it to her nephew in Kansas City.  He found ownership irritating so he jumped on the $50,000 Ezekiel offered in jest, rather than keep “those two run-down buildings in the middle of nowhere” insured, mowed and taxes paid.

It was a burden off the nephew and a dream come true for Ezekiel.  The store boasted a wide roofed porch on both road-facing sides and an old general store inside.  There was even a small apartment upstairs.  EZ moved in there from Holden, MO, after a couple years’ work on the junction of E and ZZ.  The two places became EZ’s Treasure Shop and The Bumpy Log Social Club.

You’ll find all kinds of people at The Bumpy Log.  You’ll find passing hikers and homeless, County Judge and Sheriff, business owners and preachers.  It’s even been said Mr. A, or the author, pops in from time to time.

Donowutt County Judge Noyugo likes to spend a good deal of time at The Bumpy Log, and is usually quite eager to explain how things are.  We’ll let him explain some background on the county, itself. 

“Greetings, I’m County Judge, Noyugo.  Mr. A tried to explain all this to me.  I know and undertstand what he said, but I’m having a hard time making it all work out in my head.  He makes it sound like we’re real, but not really, but sorta, but only when…  Argh!  Maybe I don’t need to know how it all works, but just that it does.

Anyway, here’s his story.  It’s weird.  Back in prehistoric times for Donowutt County, sort of outside our plane of existence, Redtail MacSumpneruther, the Scotsman was born because a red tailed hawk died.  It doesn’t sound like it makes lots of sense, but bear with me.  Time and events can be somewhat screwy here.  Mr. A’s got this life outside our plane and he was out driving and spotted a roadkilled raptor of some sort.  Mr A’s got a special liking for birds of prey, so he felt a need to know what it was, because it looked different from the norm.  So he hunted, researched, asked, but didn’t feel good calling it a red tailed hawk.  His reluctance stemmed from his belief the bird was too small, too pale in color and the fact that the bird was too frozen for him to spread the wings properly, which made them look too pointed to be a red tail.

After a while, he gave in to the evidence and likelihood of variances from the norm.  Mr. A settled on his bird being a juvenile, small, pale red tailed hawk.  He pondered how some folks often take a couple features and jump to making an ID like he just did to resist making an ID.  Mr. A likes to teach folks about wild edibles and knows the importance of proper identification.  He thought of a prop for his programs: a doll he’d call a Scotsman, even though it obviously wasn’t.  When people would deny it’s a Scotsman, he’d say, “Well, there’s a plaid skirt and a bagpipe.  What more do you want?  Scotsman!”  He named his Scotsman after the roadkill and Redtail MacSumpneruther was born.

I touched on our convoluted time reckoning earlier.  Mr. A hadn’t begun authoring on our Donowutt County plane of existence yet, so, technically, Redtail is even older than Mr. A.  As Mr. A [I’ll still call him that, even though he hadn’t yet become “A” or author.] pondered his program prop, he wondered how such a character would actually exist, and the backstory came into existence.

What all that boils down to is we’re story characters and not real, yet, here we are at The Bumpy Log Social Club and I’m telling you the story about how we’re not real.  Make sense of that!

Oh, here’s something to make you think.  Probably all of us can relate to this.  You know how when you walk into a room you sometimes forget what you’re going there for?  It’s because we’re all characters in a book and that’s where the author is backspacing.

Hey, Redtail, you’re the oldest person here, at least in our self-aware plane.  Why don’t you give a stab at explaining.”

“OK,” said Redtail, “but I think you or Mayor Douglas or somebody more official should be explaining stuff.”

“If it weren’t for you, none of us would exist.  You’re pretty important here, if not the most important of all of us.  Give yourself some credit,” said the Judge.

“I’ll give it a shot,” said Redtail.  “We sort of live in three planes.  Plane One is the ‘real’ us.  It’s where our lives unfold for you readers (It’d be cool if it’s plural readers).  Plane Two is a place Mr. A likes to use where he hashes out ideas through us, I think, just for fun.  It’s kind of like where we can look at ourselves from the outside.  Wouldn’t it be cool if y’all could really do that?  Might even be scary to see how others see you.

You might think Plane Two is weird, but Plane Three is the strange one.  It’s really all fake.  I, for instance, I mean the real me, am NOT a Purple Top Made-to-Move Barbie.  Those things you see in an illustration, are only fabric and plastic and stuff, manipulated into something that visually resembles what’s real.  The real us are in Plane One and sometimes in Plane Two.  Plane Three is only an attempt to visually explain Planes One or Two.

So we’re not like actors playing parts.  I’m still Redtail, whether I’m only dancing prettily in your head (Ain’t it cool how I can do that?) in Plane One or talking to you about it in Plane Two or even simultaneously in Planes One and Two while you’re looking at a representation of me from Plane Three.  That photographic representation made from action figures is as much me as if a kid from church was to draw a picture of me.  The drawing might even be closer, since we really do our living in your heads.

Was that OK, Mr. A?”

Mr. A said, “Potentially confusing, but pretty much what I’d have said.”

Judge Noyugo rolled his eyes and put his head on the table.  He lifted it and with a grin and a head-shake, said, “’Pretty much!?’ More like exactly what you’d have said.”  

***   ***   ***   ***

Out at The Bumpy Log

“The Bumpy Log Social Club is located in Nowhere –in the middle, actually, which, in the tradition of some Missouri place-name pronunciation, like Versailles and Nevada, is “Now-here”.  Just about anyone involved with Donowutt County might be found here from time to time.  Even the author, known to the locals as Mr. A., frequents the place,” explained Donowutt County Judge, H. Noyugo.

Judge Noyugo continued, “This is a rather important event in my life.  The earlier introductory narration marks the first time I’m documented in this monumental Donowutt County project.  You’ll remember Mr. A. made me call the project “monumental”.  He might be elevating his recreational endeavor above reality.”

“Oh, c’mon, Judge.  I’m just havin’ fun,” said Mr. A.  “Actually, I came here to think.”

The judge put his head in his hands and sighed, “Mr. A’s topic, though potentially offensive to many readers, is not meant to offend nor antagonize anyone.  Please, either bear with it or ignore it.”

Mr. A broke in, “Let’s just get on with this.  You guys are getting a break today from story lines and county histories but I didn’t feel like ignoring you altogether.  That’s why I dropped by The Bumpy Log.  I’m pondering societal messages like bumper stickers, slogans and such that preach tolerance, political correctness, humanist and secular messages.  ‘COEXIST; My God is Too Big For Just One Religion; Do What You Will, Harm No One; the Darwin Fish; A loving God wouldn’t…; If God Created all Things, then He Created Evil; You Can’t Know God; Science and Christianity are Mutually Exclusive; The Bible’s Full of Contradictions; The Bible’s Just a Book of Myths; If It Can’t be Proved Scientifically, It’s Not Real; Your Religion is Faith-Based and Mine or Lack, Thereof, is Based on Experience.’  --and that’s just for starters.

The Judge said, “I’m one of the thought that without a creator God, the creator of a moral standard that transcends mankind, we would necessarily have to live in and accept without question, pure anarchy, not to mention, I’d be out of a job.”   

A guy sitting in the dim corner spoke up.  “You know, Hugh’s right.  If there’s no creator, we’re all accidents of the Universe with no value.  Who’s anyone to say someone else should abide by anyone else’s morality?  Hey, what’s right for me might not be right for you, and what’s right for you might not be right for me.  If I don’t like you, I should then be able to remove you from my discomfort.  After all, to say otherwise is to impose your valueless morality on me.  What makes any law created by worthless accidents of the Universe binding on any other worthless accident of the Universe –no matter how many worthless accidents agree?  That’d just be adhering to ‘might makes right,’ or ‘survival of the bully.’  And by the way, like Judge Hugh, I too, am making my first entry into this ‘Monumental undertaking’.  I’m Darrell Cord, police chief for Thistle Dew.  You’ve already met my patrolman, Frank and dispatcher, Sarah.  Yeah, I gotta agree, there has to be a moral standard that transcends mere humanity, or by reason of relative Atheism, no law can be binding on anyone.”


A Discussion on Plane Three Issues

“OK, folks, this’ll be different,” began George. “I don’t really know how we’re gonna do this except to just get started.  So how many ethnic or manufacturer groups have we got here?  I know Frank and I, and some others, have G.I.Joe background and Redtail and Linda-Jean used to be Made-to-Move Barbies.  Of course, Linda-Jean had a head-swap.

A character-unassigned (CU) girl spoke up.  “We were Chinese immigrants from AliExpress.”

A CUguy said, “Yeah, heads sold separately.”

Frank chuckled, “And there’s those guys in the back.”

“Oh, stop it, Frank,” said Lena, his wife.

“Yeah, Frank, we’re just a generic crowd to be assembled as needed.  We can’t help how we look.”  And the crowd of ping pong ball heads erupted with laughter.

The long-nosed dog even laughed, saying, “Don’t I know it!  I’m not really a dog.  I just play one in Donowutt County illustrations.”

George continued, “We’ve even got former Disney princesses.”

Chloe’s mom said, “Yep, Disney princess one day, and sweet little Chloe’s mom the next.  Then I got to be a home school mom in the Relics’ co-op, so really, I got a whole bunch of kids.  It’s a whole lot more exciting than living in a palace looking pretty waiting for the ball –over and over and over…”

George said, “Anyway, the reason we’re all here is to get some advice from the Other World.”

One of the younger CUgirls asked, “You mean, like a séance?”

Redtail spoke up. “No, not a séance.  These are real people.  Mr. A wouldn’t allow that, anyway.  These Otherworlders are Mr.A’s  little sister and niece.  They’ve got years of experience with our kind.”

Rick said, “I’m sure lots of us have questions about our new identities and lives.”

Linda-Jean broke in, “Would you mind elaborating on that?”

Rick looked puzzled and asked, “What? Like explain old and new identities and stuff?”

“Sure,” said Linda-Jean, “Because some of us here and even readers might not get it.”

“OK,” began Rick.  “I hope I don’t put anyone to sleep, but there’s going to be some philosophy here.  So when Mr. A bought us, we ceased to…”

“What!?” interrupted the Scotsman.  “We’re bought and owned like slaves?” 

Sarah tried to explain, “You’re probably the oldest of all of us.  You came before the whole Donowutt County back-story.  You’re what inspired Redtail.  Your job is simply to wear a plaid skirt, carry a bagpipe and look un-manly while being called a Scotsman.  That’s probably closest to a manufacturer doll…”

Gus broke in, “Action figure.”

“Oh, OK,” whined Lena, “manufacturer action figure as any of us get.  Barbie’s obsessed with fashion.  G.I.Joe fights Cobra.  Disney princesses sing and go to the ball, and you, Redtail MacSumpneruther, are the Scotsman who obviously isn’t.  Manufacturer dolls… er, action figures pretty much serve one very shallow purpose.  But you’ve at least got a back-story that helped create all of us!”

Rick took over. “So when Mr. A acquired us, our manufacturer role was over and we began new lives as his story characters –or at least the Plane Three visible manifestations of them.  I ceased to be Ken and became Rick.  Honestly, I find Rick to be lots more interesting.

The Scotsman said, “So really, all I am is for visual effect and Redtail is my stunt double?”

Redtail cut in.  “OK, it’s more complicated, yet at the same time, simpler than that.  We Redtails are one. I’m you and you’re me.  You just don’t have to change clothes to be me.  You might be older than I am, but I’ve been in more stories and been allowed more time to ponder questions like that.”

The Scotsman pondered, “So I’m…” and with a whisk of the pen/font/what-have-you, Mr. A convinced the Scotsman and assured Redtail they were perfectly content with their lives –not without questions, but content.

Lena asked George, “So, questions –since I’m the Area Patriots Recon Leader, and we’re about to enter some new territory, can I assume the moderator role for a bit?

George said, “Shouldn’t you ask your commander something like that?”

“Yeah,” said Lena, “but Mr. A hasn’t felt a need to give me one yet.”

Larry, Thistle Dew’s mayor, said, “Quit givin’ her a hard time, George.  Just let her get on with it.”

Lena gave George a harrumphing so-there-then look and a head-shake  –good-naturedly, of course, because Mr. A likes it that way.

Dave asked with a sneer, “Who’s this Mr. A that keeps popping up?  Why do we hafta do things his way?  It’s like, his-way-or-no-way.  If he don’t like it, we can’t do it.  Blah blah blah.”

Lena broke off Davy’s rant.  “Mr. A is our author.  Sarah started calling the author “Mr. A” a few writings ago and it sorta stuck.  Without Mr. A, we can do nothing.  Without him, we just vanish into a void-like nothingness.”

Pastor Tix shook his head and laughed, “No, I’m not laughing at you guys, nor at Mr. A, but I’m starting to see so many theological parallels.  God is often referred to as ‘the Author’…”

Mr. A broke in adamantly.  “I’m not God!”

Pastor Tix rolled his eyes and said with animation, “Oh yeah!  I know that!  Of course, I couldn’t even have thought that had you not willed it.”  He laughed, “Calvinism versus Arminianis…”

Lena interrupted, “Back on track here.  That could be quite an interesting sermon topic, but not here.  So, to Mr. A’s sister and niece, are you game to answer us a few questions --aside from confirming Mr. A is, in fact, NOT God?”

Dave sat slumped in his chair muttering about black holes of non-existence and how he’s really just a lifeless glob of plastic without Mr. A.  Redtail gave an exasperated look.  “Drop it already, OK?”

Instantly, all agreed to get back on track –even Mr.A.

“So,” restarted Lena with a sigh, “what do you want to be called?  Until we hear otherwise, we’ll be calling you Sister and Niece.”

Linda-Jean said, “Since I heard we might get to talk to some consultants, I and several occasional library patrons have been working up some important questions.”

Lena leaned in and gave a serious look, “Questions which have weighed heavily on the minds of humankind since…  OK, our kind anyway, since, I guess, the beginning of our consciousness.”

A CUgirl asked, “How come so many of us walk on tippy-toes all the time, yet aren’t up nights walking off cramps?”

Another answered quickly, “You ditz, we’re plastic, that’s why.”

The younger CU girl asked, “Where do I find kids my age?  I know I can look for Skipper and Midge, but how ‘bout boys?”

Sarah said, “I think I come across as lots younger than I am, but I really want to look my age.  George got to have his molded hair filed some and painted and got some facial hair glued on.  How do I make my hair grayer?  Can I gently brush bleach through it without ruining it?

Lydia and Chloe said, “We’re 6 or 7.  Shouldn’t we be a little taller?” 

Both giggled and Chloe whispered, “We said that at the same time,” and they both giggled again.

Redtail spoke up.  “I’d really like to see Kevin, Jerry and Mike figures.  I like those kids.”

Lena said, “Sarah mentioned hair-color.  How ‘bout getting it to behave the way it should?  Besides wrapping our heads in plastic when we go to sleep, what can we do?  Does hair spray work on us?

A CU guy said, “How can I get my body color to more closely match my head?  It’s bad enough having a longish neck, but this body’s pale enough to have been in a cave or even grave for years.  I like the body’s range of motion but the color feels weird.  The heads that are in this body color looked like little boy heads with girl make-up.  At least these heads look like men, even with the long necks.  Mr. A filed and cut off as much length as he dared.

Lena reviewed out loud, “Let’s see.  Age groups, skin color, hair color and styling,” she glanced at CU girl and smiled, “cramps.”  Then Lena turned more attention to Sister and Niece.  “Clothes and accessories, to include furniture, vehicles and specially cooking, camping and institutional stuff.  A bunch of folding metal chairs would be great.  Logs, stumps, benches and pews are OK, chairs are nice from time to time.  And about clothes, we can get decent enough T-shirts and sweat pants from T.D.Fera.  That’s OK, but there’s more to life than that kind of casual.  And yes, we know about all that glitzy formal/party/beach/hedonistic-self-centered-lifestyle stuff Barbies and princesses all seem to come with.”

Sarah said, “I’ve got a Curvy Barbie body.  You’d think I could find ‘normal’ clothes that weren’t always baggy, but no!  By the time this gets photographed and in print, we law enforcement types might be in black shirts and blue slacks, but we’re sure not at the time of this draft.”

George said, “I’m not much of a wardrobe consultant, but I think most of us guys are fine with T-shirts.  My T and G.I.Joe camo pants do me just fine most of the time.  They still feel kinda funny at church, so options would be nice.

(One of the CU girls became assigned during this writing, when Mr. A used the word ‘glitzy”)  Glitra, who owns Glitra’s House of Fashion, Fabric and Fun, craft store in Higginsburg said, “I know we stock lots of felt and old T-shirt material and even a decent amount of plaid flannel.”

Chloe’s mom said, “I’d never heard of Glitra’s.  Where in Higginsburg is it?”

Glitra said, “It’s so new we don’t even know its exact location yet.  We’ve only been in operation for a couple paragraphs now.”

Chloe’s mom and Glitra continued their chat.  They both smiled and waved as the sound of their conversation faded into soft background noise.

Lena said, “Wow, that was cool.  I didn’t know my moderator power included that!  Sister and Niece, do you know any pattern sources for clothes, backpacks, tents or any 1/6 scale accessory patterns or inexpensive accessories can be found?  I work at T.D.Fera and know the conversion formula is fairly easy.  If a character’s 6 feet tall, it’s 6x2 and the Our World figure should be 12 inches tall.  So a 9’ ceiling becomes 18” for Our World.  I mean, we can build most of what we need at T.D.Fera, but ready-made patterns, kits or even actual stuff could make life easier.  And clothes that fit, between lounge-around-the-house sweats and formal wear would be great.  I know Redtail would love a nice plaid shirt, jeans and tennis shoes.

Redtail said, “Yeah, and then I could get back into that Scottish theme.”

The Scotsman said, “That Scottish theme –I seem to have misplaced my original bagpipe, and Mr A took me to a program but couldn’t set me out because I couldn’t find it.  Well, he made me another one.  Oh, sorry.  I’ll shut up now.”  She gave an insincere apologetic look --with a hint of self-satisfied mischief hidden in her eyes.

The Slave Trade

Taxonomy can be quite important.  It was actually the first task God assigned to Adam –Name the animals.   Naming things and finding out what things are called is fun but can also be confusing.  We have three major kingdoms of living things: plants, animals and imagination.  Most of us have heard about the plant and animal kingdoms but that’s not why we’re here.  The imagination kingdom is slightly different from plants and animals –ha! Slightly!

Imagination is a real thing, but, it’s not independent of a thinker –or is it?  Not everything that’s real is alive.  Imagination comprises thoughts and ideas.  We know what these things are. “Things are.”  An idea is a thing.  It’s real.  Thoughts “are”.  An idea “is”.  To-be verbs are naturally connected to thoughts and ideas.  If they are to be, are they be-ings?  I don’t know that answer, but they are real.  I’ll also propose they are alive.

I can send a thought to you.  For the next few ideas, plant some mysterious background music in your head.  I’d suggest something like the Twilight Zone theme song, but I might run into trademark or royalties issues.  Where do ideas come from?  Some say, “from out of the blue.”  Consider this: Maybe thoughts float around like mold spores and are absorbed through the skin or inhaled, eaten or drunk.  Some things that are really inarguable are thoughts can be planted.  They grow and they often give birth to other thoughts.  Some thoughts, through their vectors or carriers can be said to struggle for life.  Thoughts are real and they’re alive.  It’s the vector which is of concern for the purpose of this writing.

OK, ideas that are real, can be planted, grow, reproduce, struggle for life and their vectors or visible representations of those thoughts…  How does that relate to the slave trade?

One of the characters who lives in Donowutt County, during a time of reflection, pondered how her vector and the physical representations of many of her co-characters were bought and sold and owned, told what they can and can’t do and so on.  She equated it to slavery.  She’s sort of right in that they can’t do anything I (the author) don’t want them to do.  They’re also pretty much restricted in what they do, and what I allow them to do.

I bought them.  I own them.  Slavery?  No, they’re just globs of plastic –or are they?  Well, yes, of course they are.  They, one day, may be helping me illustrate the Redtail and rest of Donowutt County stories, but until that time, the county populace is being built and readied for their work.  How these vectors are released into the slave trade is not always as I ultimately envision them.  And the characters realize it really is all about what I want (insert smiling emoticon).

On taxonomy, I think I fairly well recognize the Mattel family and Bratz and Monster High genera, but beyond that, if they’re not in their factory boxes, I don’t know them.  I think most of the heads and bodies within a manufacturer family are interchangeable, but will a Mattel head work on a Hasbro body?  I have other bodies for which I’d like to find heads, but not knowing their species sort of hampers my questioning.

I have a couple favorite slave traders –or you might know then as thrift shops.  Just last week, I got 6 figures for parts, but I can’t tell you what they all are, because I don’t know.  One is an 11” Barbie and another is one of a much smaller scale.  I got two Bratz dolls (one lacking feet), and two or unidentified species.  They’ve got skinny bodies with jointed knees with big over-size manga-looking heads.  One I got earlier will become a character, Anna Mae.

*** *** *** ***

Lena finally got to bring Redtail out to the Bumpy Log. Redtail inquired about the local libraries, and Judge Hugo Noyugo, volunteered the information, since he and the legal profession had a library connection.

Higginsburg is named after R. “Max” Maxwell Higgins, who suggested the folks staying at the Rainy Island castle move to higher ground to the east after the land bridge washed out during high water in the very early 1800s. His son, Mark, started a school in the settlement, out of which was born the later-named, Mark Higgins Memorial Library. It’s said half of the school burnt when William Quantrill and His Merry Men burned down the courthouse next door, destroying all the county records. Only the book-shelf wall of the school survived, due to Mark’s diligence in putting out the school fire. The school was lost, and Mark is said to have died due to smoke-inhalation complications. There was some speculation that it might not have been the school fire smoke, as Mark was a fairly big local farmer, supplying the rope industry with hemp.
The Trials Library system originally was a series of legal book stashes for use by the circuit judges and lawyers, so they wouldn’t have to tote ‘em around with ‘em. Roads got better, and carrying what they needed got easier, so the stashes for trial use weren’t needed anymore. The people, however, liked the idea of local libraries linked for the common good and these trial libraries grew into our public library system.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

RT Mac Story Chap's 16-20

(earlier story: )

Chapter 16

Redtail asked Lena, “So how did you come to be part of the Wilder community?”

Lena laughed.  “I was just drawing in my breath to ask you the same question.  I was born and raised here.  Went to school in Higginsburg and did 6 years in the Army.  I guess Wilder spoiled me.  I love the quiet and the friendliness.  I still get my share of excitement.  How ‘bout you?”

“Oh wow,” began Redtail, “Beyond a week or so ago, it’s all a blur.  All I’ve remembered of my past is my puzzlement this morning after noticing a lack of pines and sandy soil here, and that I seem to have a little background in survival skills.  My real memory begins with walking in the woods with not a care in the World.  I just feel refreshed, but can’t remember from what.  After a few nights, I settled on a site near a creek in what I thought was a secluded area, then George caught me, welcomed me, adopted me, and I was hooked.”

“It must be confusing not knowing who you are or where you’re from,” said Lena.

“Not really. I’m me, and I hardly ever have to get my own attention, so any name’ll do ‘til the official one comes back.  And my only concerns in life are food, shelter, and Sunday, I get to go to church again.  I’m probably more content now than I’ve ever been.”

They both looked at the windshield and almost in unison said, “Here it comes,” as the first few raindrops tapped the window.

Redtail continued, “Someone’s probably wondering where I am and what I’m up to, but my worrying about it won’t do any good.  I figure about all I can do is wait for my memory to come back, or say, ‘Hey! That’s me on that milk carton.”  Redtail snorted a little laugh.

Lena smiled and asked, “What’s that laugh?”

Redtail said, “I pictured myself initiating the search for my past.  I’d probably cause a stir or even trouble if I was to walk up to people asking, “Do you miss me?””

Lena gave a little chuckle and said, “I supposed that could be a little awkward.  What do you plan to do with yourself in the rain tomorrow?”

“Oh, I dunno.  After church, probably find a leaf to curl up in to hide from the rain like the other critters do.  I’m pretty well stocked for a few days,” said Redtail. 

Lena asked, “How you getting to church?”

“George is taking me.”

“Wow!  You actually got him to do that?”

Redtail told her, “He offered and didn’t flinch in the slightest.  In fact, he gave me a new Bible yesterday.”

Lena said, “Frank and I have been after him for years to come back to church.  He always seemed to have something come up or lose track of what day it was.  Funny: he never missed one of his survival presentations.”  She gave a sigh and laugh.

Redtail seemed to take quick interest at the roadside, so Lena asked, “Did you see something?”

“Actually, no.  I was surprised at how quickly the buzzards finished the snack I left for them,” answered Redtail.  “The boys and I ate most of the rest of that woodchuck.”

“Oh, that was the roadkill they were so excited about,” said Lena.  “Frank and I enjoyed about a month’s worth of roadkilled venison, but I always tell Frank, ‘fresh venison doesn’t count as roadkill.’”

Redtail asked, “So, what brings you out to Perry’s Bend?” 

Lena said, “Most Conservation Areas allow foraging –above ground, no digging.  I’m trying for some raspberries and to see if any dew berries or blackberries are close to ready.”

Redtail gave a little laugh, “I just pictured Grandpa George quizzing me on the differences between those berries.”

Lena said, “Why don’t we humor him and quiz ourselves?”

Redtail said, “Yeah, OK, raspberries and dewberries have round stems and blackberry has a grooved stem –at least the wild ones.  You’re next.”

Lena smiled, “Raspberries are ripe around Memorial Day and Blackberries start around the 4th of July or later with dewberries in between.  OK, you go.”

Redtail continued, “Raspberries and blackberries are on upright or arched canes and dewberries are low, sprawling ground-huggers. Your turn.”

Lena said, “Ripe raspberries come off the plant like thimbles or stocking caps or little cups.  Anyway, the berry core is left on the plant, while dewberries and blackberries come off core and all.  Hmm.  Is there more?”

They both rode quietly for a few seconds and Redtail blurted out, “Oh!  Raspberry and dewberry have three leaflets and blackberry often has five.”

Lena added, “They’re all spelled different, too.”

Both smiled and rolled their eyes.

Lena said, “I gotta get you out to the Bumpy Log some night to meet more of the gang.  I think you’d like it.  George is even a semi-regular out there.”

“What’s the bumpy log?” asked Redtail.

“It’s our social club,” explained Lena. “It’s out in Nowhere –right in the middle, actually.  Why it’s pronounced Now-Here is kind of a fun story, but it’s right in line with Missouri’s Ne-VAY-da (Nevada) and Ver-SAILS (Versailles).  We can tell you the place name tale when you visit –sort of dangling a carrot for you.”

“Sounds like a tasty carrot, too.  I love the lore behind this area.  The museum in town is gonna be a hang-out for me.”

Lena said, “Oh no!  You gotta come out to the club to get the story.  It just wouldn’t be same getting it from the museum.”

“Well,” said Redtail, “I’ll try to be patient.  My communication network isn’t real effective, so it might not be easy to schedule stuff.”

“I know where you live.  We’ll work out something.  Shoot.  It looks like we’re here.  You game for berry picking?”

Redtail said, “I’d love to, and actually need to, but I gotta get other stuff arranged before it rains.  Can I get a literal rain-check?”

Lena said, “Sounds good.  I’ll hunt you down soon.”

“Thank you so much for the ride,” said Redtail. “Ah!  There’s another raindrop now.  Excellent timing!”

Redtail hopped out of Lena’s car, grabbed her stuff and they exchanged waves.  Redtail headed out to her new camp and Lena departed for Perry’s Bend.

Chapter 17 

George hadn’t returned from his Big River program, so Redtail had the quiet place to herself.  She went to the new wet-weather site and stood.  She folded her arms and tried to arrange her thoughts.

Redtail smiled as she imagined a T-ball coach yelling, “Line up!” to a bunch of four to six year old kids.  The coach gives an exasperated laugh and rounds the kids up one-by-one.

“OK, you stand right here.  This is an important job.  You’re the line-leader.”

One little girl looks up from her mound of dirt she’d been playing with and whined, “I wanted to be line-leader!”

“Here, you stand right here and be Assistant Line-Leader.”

The coach caught another and said, “Now you stand here –Come back!  Yes, I know it’s a bug, but you have to be number three.”

On to another player.  “OK, you stand--  Wait a second, you’re not on our team.  Yours is over at the next field, see, right over…”  He didn’t finish and the player was scampering off to the other field.

Redtail smiled and thought, “Line ‘em up one by one.”

“I think the food situation is OK for a few days.  Church tomorrow.  I better get my new clothes hung up to de-wrinkle.”

She stepped into the tent and into a side room.  She stood as straight as she could without touching her head to the ceiling.  Her head was slightly bent over looking as though her neck muscles gave out, so she decided to make her closet tripod about shoulder height.  She stepped back outside and found three straight eye-height sticks and two more that didn’t need to be quite so straight.

Redtail fastened the three straight pieces together about six inches from the top and gently spread the sticks about three feet apart at the base to form a tripod.  She cut the other two sticks about in half and fastened three of them as crossbars on the tripod legs.  The fourth, she laid across the crossbars as her closet-rod.

She found her clothes, shook them straight and hung the shirt by the collar on a tripod crossbar.  She draped the pants over the longest of the brace extensions.  Redtail gave her closet a look, then went outside to find more straight sticks.  She returned with a straight 18-incher of about 1 ½ inch diameter and a curved one about 16 inches and almost an inch in diameter.  With her machete and a file, she smoothed both sticks.  She smoothly rounded the ends of the curved stick after cutting it to around 14 inches.

Redtail wrapped a piece of insulated copper wire around the middle of the curved piece of wood, leaving about a foot of wire free.  She thought, “Now that’s a fine shirt hanger.”  She wrapped both ends of the straight stick for the pants hanger.  “Now to apply the clothes.” She hung them on her tripod.  “OK, clothes are all ready for tomorrow.”  And then, a distraction happened.  The gravel started crunching in the driveway, which indicated someone’s arrival.  Redtail walked toward the house far enough to see it was George who pulled in.  She gave a wave and headed back to her thoughts organizing.  She wasn’t being unsociable and hoped George didn’t think she was.  There was a light drizzle in the air, so she needed to stay close to her site.

George pulled a big custom-built big-wheeled dolly from the back of the truck and loaded it with three plastic tubs from his program.  He took those to the kitchen, grabbed two umbrellas from the coat rack behind the door stepped back outside.  George squinted at the drizzle, popped an umbrella open and headed to Redtail’s camp.  Mr. Ziffel stood up, stretched, twitched a couple times at the drizzle droplets, turned around, shook off and crawled back under the porch.

George arrived at Redtail’s camp to find her with a catfood bag poncho draped over shoulders, covering her firewood stack with another tarp.

“Redtail,” called George, “I brought you an umbrella.  Thought it might come in handy from time to time.”

“Why thank you, Grandpa, that will come in handy tomorrow.”

“How ya set up for dinner?”

Redtail said, “I got plenty for tonight and a couple more days.  I hope the rain lets me out by then.  You want some dinner?”

“Oh, I’ve been snacking all day at that wild edibles program.”

“That sounds like fun.  What age group did you have?”

George said, “They were probably eight to twelve year olds.  They’re a fun bunch for a while.  I wouldn’t care to have to deal with ‘em day in and day out, or to be responsible for their behavior.”

Redtail asked, “You mentioned ‘Scouts’ the other day –were they Boy or Girl Scouts?”

“Actually neither.  Boy Scouts of America and Girl Scouts of America don’t recognize Donowutt County, so we created our own alternative.  The Donowutt County Scouts have both boys and girls in the same troop.  They keep ‘em apart for campouts and often segregate into small groups, but the troop meetings include all.  It’s lots more traditional than what the Boy and Girl Scouts have become these days.  I s’pose outsiders might call it ‘culturally irrelevant, but we like it that way.”

“I know,” said Redtail. “I loved the atmosphere I found today.  I went to town and even got to run Big Al’s store while he ran to Higginsburg on some errands.  I met some of the boys in town and Renzo and Lena.  Lena brought me back here on her way to Perry’s Bend.  It was a fun day.  Even got tires and tubes for the bike, AND a woodchuck.”

“Sounds like you had a fun day, too.  You ran the store?  And, of course, as ‘Grandpa’, I’ve also gotta ask, ‘What boys?’”

“Oh they were just little guys --Kevin, Jerry and Mike.  Al calls ‘em ‘Kevin…’”

And George joined in with a smile as they both finished the sentence, “…Riff and Raff.”

“Yeah,” said Redtail, “They seem like good kids.  We really hit it off –my lifestyle and their love for things outdoorsy and wild.”

George said, “I had one memorable little guy today.  I think he might’ve had some behavioral issues, since it seemed he had an adult assigned specifically to him.  They all got into the room and seated.  He was in the back, waving his arm like he wanted to say something even before we started.  His adult kept putting his arm down.  The other kids pretty much ignored him, though he did draw a couple dirty looks and eye-rolls.  Poor little guy.  During my presentation, he kept bouncing around like he had to go to the bathroom.  Every now and then his hand would shoot up and his adult put it down again.  I finally finished and asked, “Are there any questions?” Mr. Fidgit shot his hand back up again as his adult responded like she’d always done.  I took the risk.  I looked right at the kid and said, “I think you’ve been wanting to say something for a while.”  He smiled real big and the other kids gave a quiet sigh and groan.  He excitedly said, “My… my… my dog… my dog, he fleeched a skwoozle.”  At least that’s what it sounded like he said.  There were almost two seconds of dead silence as he smiled at me.  I gave him a serious look and said, “You know, I’ve heard that happens,” and gave him a yup-you’re-right nod.  He just looked so pleased and the other kids looked at me in disbelief.  The little guy who spoke seemed to calm right down.  It felt pretty good.  Then I got a few of the standard questions followed by the silence that says I’m to ask if anyone wants to try eating any of the bugs.  The excitement erupts from there.  Kids are fun.”

Redtail said, “Kids say some weird stuff.  I think it’d be fun to see one of your programs some time.”

“There’s lots of times I can use help.  I’ll see if you’re game for the next one.”

“I don’t have lots on my schedule, so I think I’d be able to make it.  The only thing on my schedule now is church tomorrow.  I’m looking forward to that.  It feels like I’m getting a vital missing puzzle piece.”

“I’m sort of looking forward to going back, myself,” said George.  “Well, I better be heading back to the house.  Morning happens pretty close to right after night, and it looks like night’s a-comin’.”

Chapter 18

Redtail woke the next morning and got dressed.  She ate a dry sunfish and a handful of raspberries and gooseberries.  She listened to an occasional tap of water droplets on the tent roof.  She scanned about the floor for puddles and found none.  “I guess that duct tape over the hole in the roof held,” she thought out loud.”Whether the rain’s falling off the branches or from the sky, I better take the umbrella.”  So, she took it and the Bible and stepped outside, smiled, stretched and headed up to the house.

Mr. Ziffel met her halfway across the clearing between the house and her camp.  Redtail gave him a head-skritching and with a laugh, “It’s funny to be happy you smell like wet dog.  I’m glad your perfume wore off.”  Mr. Ziffel wagged his tail and walked with her up to the house.

The back door was open and Redtail heard sounds of activity inside, so she announced her presence.  “Good morning George, er, Grandpa.  I’ll get used to that someday.”

“C’mon in.  Want some eggs?  Five or six is just as easy as two.”

“Oh, I had fish and some berr…  Never mind.  A couple eggs sounds great!”  Redtail stepped into the kitchen and pulled out a chair, sitting down at the table.

George anticipated her breakfast acceptance and already had two places set.

Redtail asked, “Does the church sing traditional hymns or do they have a band and sing contemporary Christian radio hits?”

“Well, I know they use a hymnal, but I don’t know how traditional they are, ‘cuz lots o’ times nobody knows the songs, but they still try to make a joyful noise.”

“Is the preacher a hellfire and brimstone preacher or a warm fuzzy feel-good preacher?”

“Nope,” answered George, “but he can touch on both.  He’ll step on toes and he preaches the Word.  At least if pastor Tix is still there.  It’s been a while for me.”

“Lena sounded surprised when I told her you were bringing me.”

George laughed, “I’ll bet she asked how you got me talked into it.”

“She sounded pleased or even relieved when I said you volunteered to take me and even got me a Bible.”

“Yeah, she and Frank been workin’ on me for a while to come back.  I still went regular for a few months after Mae Mae died, but then I started slackin’ off.  I even used that excuse about communin’ with God in the outdoors instead of set times Sundays and Wednesdays.”

Redtail lit up.  “Cool!  They got Wednesday stuff too?”

“Wednesdays aren’t usually real exciting, but they can still be fun.  First Wednesday we got a fellowship dinner… Hey, I think I’m gonna slip right back in!  I said “We” …anyway, second Wednesday, is the business meeting.  Third Wednesdays are women’s meeting and the deacons’ meeting.  Fourth Wednesday is music and craft fellowship and when we have a fifth Wednesday, it’s family movie night.  I heard a couple months back, we even started a Sunday night Bible study.”

“What do you have for youth?” asked Redtail.

“That was quite a weak spot when I was going.  We’re such a small church and mighty top-heavy in the age-department.  We got so few youth we don’t have much other than Sunday school.”

“I’m not sure why, but I got a feeling I’ve got a strong youth concern in my past, ‘cuz my mind instantly jumped into ‘we-gotta-figure-out-how-to-keep-‘em-interested-in-Jesus’ mode,” said Redtail. 

George smiled.  “You seemed to fit right in with The Relics –that’s what we call the homeschoolers, ‘cuz they’re based in the museum, and you sure hit it off with the hardware boys.  Yeah, you might be onto something.”

“Maybe I should wait to be invited, rather than to come across as too pushy with the youth,” said Redtail.

George said, “Oh, I don’t know.  Maybe someone steppin’ up is what the kids need.  Aww, shoot!  I just fixed yer eggs the same way I like mine without askin’.  Whites are done, and the yolks are still soft.”

Redtail said, “Sounds good to me.”

George brought the pan and scooped  Redtail’s eggs to her plate, and plopped a couple on his, too.  Right about then, the toast popped up.

“Want your toast buttered?” asked George. “Notice, I asked first this time.  I got a dairy background, so stuff, particularly bread, usually gets butter.”

“Oh, why not?  I’m having breakfast at Grandpa’s, so I’ll have breakfast like Grandpa.  Besides, I’m not even sure how I like my breakfast.  Fish and berries could work, but I’m pretty sure there’s better.”

George said, “We got enough time we won’t have to rush breakfast, but we should probably get there early enough to get good parking.”

Redtail gave a questioning look. “I thought you said it was a tiny church.  The lot didn’t look like parking would be a problem.”

George laughed.  “I didn’t mean for the truck.  I wanted to make sure I could park myself in the back row on an end.”

Redtail tried to put on her best pouty-face and Precious Moments eyes. “But… Does that mean I’m going to have to sit alone?  *sniff* *sniff*”

George smiled and said, “Oh good.  I saw what you tried, and I recognized it as a pout, but you ain’t all that good at faking it.  It’s good to see you lack experience in that department.”  He rolled his eyes. “OK, you pick where we sit.”  And they both smiled.

George and Redtail finished their breakfast.  George got up and cleared the table, saying, “I’m gonna rinse all these before we leave and wash ‘em when we get back.”

Redtail asked, “Can I help?”

“Nah, I’ve pretty much got a system over the years.”

Redtail challenged and smiled. “So, you’re used to cooking for two?”

“OK,” said George jovially. “Not so much the past few years, but me and Mae Mae shared the kitchen pretty much equally.  I don’t know.  Sarah comes over fairly often so maybe I do stay in that culinary-practice-for-two thing.”

George looked about done, so Redtail got up, gathered her umbrella and Bible.  George grabbed a beat up looking old brown Bible and they headed out. 

Mr. Ziffel crawled out from under the porch and looked at George and Redtail.  He gave a short ‘woof’ and wagged his tail.

Redtail said happily, “You have a good morning, too!” 

Mr. Ziffel wagged his tail a few more times and crawled back under the porch as though he knew this wasn’t his trip into town.

In the truck and on the way, Redtail started humming a bluesy version of “What a Friend we Have in Jesus.”  George joined in on the second verse with vocal guitar.  They threw in as much energy as they could and Redtail even belted out lyrics from time to time.  They finished the song and took some exhausted breaths.

Redtail said, “I didn’t know you knew Ashley Cleveland.”

George said, “Well I didn’t figure you to be old enough to like her music.  Hey, pop that glove box open.”

Redtail opened the box and found three Ashley Cleveland CDs, a Newworldson, Tal and Acacia and two Miss Angie CDs.

“I hadn’t heard of Miss Angie.  What’s she sound like?” Redtail asked eagerly.

George said, “She’s got a really neat sound.  Her late ‘90s stuff is kind of power-pop with lots of electronic enhancements.  The musical energy level runs all over the place.  Her later music has a different sort of polish to it.  You can tell it’s music from an older artist, but that’s not saying her early stuff is the least bit amateurish.  I guess the newer music is more artistic rather than lively pop.  She’s a Missouri girl.  Ha!  Boy my mind wanders.  She’s from Springfield, and so’s a forager friend of mine.  Wanna do some foraging after church, weather permitting?  I got a program tomorrow.”

Redtail said, “I gotta get a better food storage system, but yeah, that sounds like fun.  Oh!  I should get some salt and try to make some kimchi!  Could we play some Miss Angie on the way?”

“Sure, hand me that Triumphantine album.”

George popped the CD in the player and the music began.

Redtail exclaimed, “Oh wow!  I love it already!  It’s got an ethereal feel to it.”

George said, “Lots of others are much livelier.”

Redtail said, “Oh, this is neat stuff!”

“It gets even ‘Neater Cooler’,” replied George with a smile.

“What?” puzzled Redtail.

“Sorry, humor attempt.  Look at the case.”

Redtail scanned the case, “OK, “Neater Cooler” is quite literal –a song title.”

As they pulled into the parking lot, George glanced at the time.  “We’re plenty early.  I wanted to let the song play out before shutting off the truck.”

Redtail said, “Oh good.  I like her.  How many albums does she have?”

“Only three that I know of, but now I want to double-check.”

Redtail commented about the song, “I’m glad Jesus got me when I was young.”

George said, “You’re a ways from being old, but yeah, it can be rough to make a change as you get older and older.”

The song ended and George shut off the truck before track two started.  He said, “Well, it looks like this is it.”

Redtail said with a tone similar to what George used when Redtail went to town, “No need to be scared, Grandpa.  I’ll be right with you.”

Chapter 19

They both laughed as they got out of the truck.  Redtail glanced at George as he closed the door.  She then closed hers, too, without locking.  George said, “I don’t usually bother locking here in Wilder.  Maybe I’m too trusting.”

They both walked into the church.

Pastor Herman Ulysses Tix gave them a welcome by giving George a hard time right from the start.  “Hi George!  My, how, you’ve grown.  Why, when I last saw you, you were just a little guy…”  And he reached out as though he was going to give George’s cheek a pinch.

“Ya ya ya,” interrupted George with a smile and a handshake.  George looked at Redtail and said, “See?  It’s been a while.”

Pastor Tix asked, “And who is this young lady?”

“This is RT or Redtail Scot, my granddaughter.”

Pastor Tix raised an eyebrow.

“Adopted granddaughter,” clarified George.

“Well, I suppose there’s a story in there somewhere.  We’re glad to have you join us, Redtail,” said Pastor Tix.

“Why thank you,” said Redtail.  “I’m hoping it’ll be lots more often in the future.”

George asked, “So, Brother Herman, where do we find our classroom?”

Pastor Tix smiled and said, “Well, the urge to ask, ‘Where did you leave it?’ is precluded by my not really knowing if it’s changed since you were last here.  We actually grew a bit and split the adult class, but finances and teacher volunteer quantity kind of necessitated a reunion.  I’m not so sure your class is in the same room.”

Pastor Tix reached in to a classroom to turn on the lights.  “Here’s where the adults meet now.”  Redtail and George walked in and picked out some chairs.  “Y’all make yourselves at home.  We’re Family here.” And Pastor Tix wandered off to take care of some more Sunday morning opening chores.

Redtail took a Student Guide off the stack in the middle of the table.  “Looks like this is the one we’re in,” she said.  “You want one?”

“That’s OK.  I’ll glance at yours if I need to.  What’s our Scripture today?” asked George.

Redtail gave George the passage and another couple walked in.  The teacher said, “Good morning George! And welcome back!”  The woman with him gave the teacher a quick kiss and started to turn, but, gave Redtail and George a double-take.

“Oh wow!” she said.  “You must be Redtail.  We’re Kevin’s parents, Ted and Jane Dossett.  Kevin has NOT been able to stop talking about you.  You sure made quite an impression on him.  Ever since we moved here a couple years ago, Kevin’s been moping around all grumpy, but last night he was excited and happy like his best friend just moved back into town.”

Redtail said, “Wow!  I sure hope I didn’t overstep my bounds with the info I gave him.”

Jane said, “Oh, I don’t think he held back in telling us anything.  We heard about woodchucks, camping, and even how laziness leads to invention.”

Redtail laughed and said, “I think he got it about covered.”

Jane said, “Well, we’re glad to have you in the neighborhood.”

Ted added, “And welcome to our church home, too!  I see you found the books.  Feel free to take one with you.”

Redtail said, “I don’t have a real good controlled environment so I’ll just get the Scripture and read up on it.”

Ted smiled and said, “I like hearing of people who enjoy preparing for class.  I hope you guys get back in the habit of fellowshipping with us.”

George said, “Yeah, I’m sorta seein’ that as a good thing.”

In the meantime several others walked in.  There were waves, smiles and “Hey George is back!” and the class began.

The lesson summarized on the lines of: if people know you’re a Christian, they’ll be watching.  If you’re a Christian, they should know it, therefore, if you’re called to that higher Christian standard, what other people think IS important.

The Sunday school superintendent walked around ringing the 5 minute warning bell.  Ted closed and released the class. 

Many introductions and reintroductions took place in the hall outside the sanctuary.  The fellowshipping slowly broke up as people started going in to sit down.  George looked more and more uncomfortable the farther up the aisle Redtail walked, or at least he felt like he did.  For Redtail, the whole walk took only about four seconds.  George’s mind slipped into slow motion as he walked up the seemingly endless aisle –the sort art classes like to use to teach vanishing points.

George and Redtail sat down at about the same time.  “This isn’t too bad, is it –third row from the front?” whispered Redtail.

George said, “Oh, I guess it’s OK,” wiping the sweat from the palms of his hands on his pants legs.

Redtail said, “I just had a flash of my mom and dad.  Still no names or locations, but they realized they always sat in the same place every Sunday –almost a ‘my-pew’ thing, so we started moving around each week.  We got to meet lots more Family that way.”

Pastor Tix’s parents, who were visiting, took the second from the front row on the left end and another couple and friend took the right end.  The worship leader got up and headed to the pulpit and Redtail felt a bump on her left and heard whispers.  She looked and found Lydia from the Relics and another little girl beaming with grins.  A tap on her shoulder revealed Kevin in the spot right behind her.  Redtail greeted them with smiles and whispers.

Lydia whispered loudly, “This is Chloe, my friend.”

Redtail smiled and shook her hand and glanced around to make eye contact with Jane and another woman she assumed was either Lydia’s or Chloe’s mom.  Both gave questioning looks and seemed to mouth, “Is that OK?” 

Redtail smiled, nodded and gave a thumbs-up.  She leaned over to George and whispered, “We gotta behave ourselves.  We have accountability partners.”

Lydia giggled and caught herself.

The worship leader began.  It was a traditional worship: hymns from the hymnal, piano accompaniment.  Of course, there were lyrics projected on the wall, too, in case you preferred it that way.

Redtail sang and got the kids to sing, too.  She passed a note to Kevin and whispered to Lydia and Chloe, “If you can hear the person next to you singing, sing louder.”  The kids got it and they all made a joyful noise.  George sort of mumbled the songs, but still, he could be heard.

After hymns and prayers was Children’s Time.  Lydia and Chloe eagerly ran up to the front with the rest of the kids.  Kevin felt awkwardly old for “Children’s” time.  He didn’t, however, feel too awkward for a shorter run, up one row to sit down by Redtail.  Lydia gave him a glare from the front, and Redtail gave a shushing hand-gesture.  Lydia calmed somewhat and George made room for the returning girls between him and Redtail.

Lydia’s mom put her head in her hands but the third-rowers didn’t catch it.  Lydia did and quickly adjusted her attitude –at least outwardly.

Providentially, the children’s message was patience in the face of adversity.  The girls came back and Redtail motioned them to sit on her other side.  Lydia sat by Redtail and Chloe paused and looked at the scary old man.  George gave her a warm smile and she smiled back and plopped herself down between Lydia and George.  She looked up at George and gave him another smile.

Pastor Tix stepped up to the podium and began his sermon:

There’s this block of huge beautiful homes up near Big River –on close to 200 acres.  When the developer bought the place, it was called “Tick Holler” ‘cuz it was thick with those little blood suckers.  That developer knew he couldn’t sell houses in Tick Holler, so he renamed the place, “Deer Run” ‘cuz it sounded so much prettier.  Changing what it was called, didn’t change the truth at all.  Anyway, big city folks now buy their 2-5 acre plots, strip ‘em of the plants that made the place pretty and replace ‘em with those astro-turf like sheets of green called lawns.  They panic if they see a splash of color and run out with their sprays and chem-warfare suits to crush that dandelion or violet before it contaminates their pristine wilderness.  They “Ooooh” and “Awwwww” when a deer is spotted.  They “Ewwww!” and “Augh!” when they spot a tick and run back out with their chem gear.

Changing names to suit our wants is nothing new.  Instead of calling it “Little Strip of Dirt Between the Glacier and Icebergs”, the Viking explorers called it “Greenland” to entice settlers.  The Viking people got cautious quick.  Explorers started talking about another new discovery and travelers responded with: “Oh ya, sure. ‘Vinland’ yu betcha!  Like dis is Greenland.  I’m movin’ back ta Iceland or da Orkneys.  Didja hear, Olaf actually got two turnips, --ya, two I tell ya--  ta grow on one o’ doze rocky islands.  A regular Eden dere, don’t cha know.”

Let’s put a spin on things.  Change what we don’t like so we can get our own way.  The whole political correctness, blur the facts thing started lots farther back than the Vikings in Greenland.  “Surely God didn’t say you’d really die if you ate that fruit.”

He got into the meat of the sermon, chewed on that for a while and closed, without getting political.

We’re not supposed to be gods or to make any other idols, but if you’re called to be part of God’s Family, you’re called to look to Jesus as the ultimate example.  Jesus is loving and forgiving.  He’s a healer and a servant, and He’s God.  One thing He’s not, is politically correct.  He calls sin for what it is –sin.  And He tells us, “Stop it!”

[Pastor Tix looked at George and Redtail]  Aside from George’s guest, or are you her guest?  I know none of us are licensed anesthesiologists.  Political correctness is too dangerous to be messing with.  It can too easily numb us to sin.  God flooded the Earth already, due to rampant sin.  Yeah, I know, He promised never to do it again –with a flood!  We’ve got an example of what can happen if we let ourselves be numbed in Ezekiel 9: 4-6.  Write that down and look it up and ponder the meaning.  God may not flood the Earth again, but if God does this in Ezekiel, I pray we resist the numbing of political correctness and other societal anesthetics and we see sin and call it for what it is.  May the Holy Spirit convict us and make sin so unpleasant to us we flee it always and receive that mark

God gave us choice.  He doesn’t force faith and following.  He wants us to decide for ourselves.

The congregation sang a hymn and took up the offering.  Redtail dropped a ten in the plate and George felt obligated so he put in what cash he had.  Then came announcements. 

Redtail leaned across Lydia and Chloe to quietly tell George, “I might try that music and craft fellowship Wednesday.”

Pastor Tix gave a closing prayer and dismissed the congregation.  As George slowly turned around, he gave a quick estimate of 60ish people in attendance. 

Redtail said, “So many more people here to meet!”

Many scurried out and quite a few stayed back for fellowship.  It’s one of the first times George was not among the scurriers.  He found it lots easier than he thought it’d be.

Frank and Lena walked toward George and Redtail.  The kids started crowding around Redtail. 

“It’s good to see you here,” said Lena.  “We tried to get to Sunday school, but Esther’s dog got away again and we rounded her up before we headed in.  Did you guys make it in time?”

“Yep, we ran the whole gamut,” said George.  “Redtail’s even talking about comin’ back Wednesday for the Music and Crafts thing.” 

Frank said, “What’s Redtail up to?  She’s got quite the crowd gathered.”

Redtail looked up, waved at Rick who was leaving, and then turned to Frank and Lena, saying, “Oh hi, you guys.  It looks like I might be taking the youth on a nature walk.  We’ll have to schedule it some time soon.  Sounds like rumor of my chosen lifestyle has gotten out.”

George said, “Hey, congratulations! Your first program!”  And he shook her hand.  “You wanna go with me tomorrow for my Midtown Garden Club program?  It’s supposed to be raining and this’ll be an indoor program.”

Lena said, “Sounds like a set-up, Redtail.”

Redtail said, “Still, I’d like to see one of Grandpa’s programs.  Sure, I’ll do it.”

Lena asked, “And the Bumpy Log Tuesday evening?”

Frank said, “Looks like your social calendar’s filling up fast, Redtail.”

Redtail said, “But it all fits.  I think it’s due to start clearing up Thursday.  Monday Midtown, Tuesday Bumpy Log, Wednesday Music and Crafts, Thursday, foraging and hunting.”  Redtail glanced toward the door.  “Hi, Sarah!”

Sarah glanced around with a look of concern.  She spotted George.  “Oh, hi, Redtail.  I saw George’s truck out in the lot.  Everything’s OK, right?”

“Everything’s great!  Is this your church, too?” asked Redtail.

Sarah said with a slight smirk, “Oh, I guess, when I don’t go, this is the one I don’t go to.”

George finally saw Sarah and asked, “Everything alright, Sarah?”

“Yeah, I saw your truck in the lot and dropped in to find out the same thing,” Sarah said.

“We’re gonna be doing some foraging in a bit,” said George.  “Wanna come along?  Probably also be a good time to finally show Redtail where all the boundaries of the place are.”

Redtail asked, “Is that pond by the road yours, too?  The one with the little island in it?”

“Yep,” said George, “and it’s also got some nice bass and catfish in it.  We oughtta be heading out, too.  Maybe get that foraging done before it rains again. 

Sarah said, “I just might drop by on y’all a little later.”

Chapter 20

On their way home, George said, “I think old Brother Herman was kinda preachin’ to the choir today.  We’re a pretty morally conservative and non-PC bunch around here.”

Redtail said, “I noticed that and I love it!  I mean, my hair and eyes are quite a bit darker than most of the people around here, but not once have I encountered someone stumbling over their words or being patronizing in order to not offend.  And nobody seemed offended.  I just like being people and there’s nothing wrong with looking different from everybody else.”

George said, “I’m feeling like getting all philosophical on race and ethnicity now, but that can wait for another time.”

“OK, let’s talk about the bunny,” said Redtail.

“The bunny?”

“That’s something someone used to say when she wanted to change the subject.”

“OK, bunnies.  Have you been to the other side of the house –around that old fence line between the house and the pond?  There’s almost always rabbits out there,” offered George.

After a little pause, Redtail asked, “I’ve not yet been on the other side of the house.  What all are we going to do tomorrow for the program?”

George said, “The Midtown Garden Club is mostly women in their fifties to eighties.  There’s a few guys in their forties and four or five women in their thirties.  Most express an almost giddy delighted shock when they hear stuff like lamb’s quarter and purslane are edible.  A couple are receptive to hearing about edible insects, but I don’t know if they’re ready to try real survival foods like mystery roadkill or rinsed shoe leather.”

Redtail smiled and added, “So they probably don’t want to know how to check eyes and reject a roadkill if they’re cloudy?  That decomposition science is cool!”

George pulled the truck into the driveway, stopping by the mailbox. “I checked yesterday but it might’ve been too early.”

Redtail unclicked and hopped out, saying, “I’ll get it.”  She got back to the truck, “Nope, still nothing,” and she hopped in the truck, clicking her seatbelt for the little stretch of driveway.  “Habit,” she said.

“Not a bad one, either,” finished George.

George stopped the truck and asked, “Meet back here in about half an hour?  I’ll bring some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches –Dairy-Country style.”

“What’s Dairy-Country style?” asked Redtail. “I guess I’ll find out at lunchtime.”

And off she went to her tent as George went to the house.  What he and Mr. Ziffel discussed on the way between the truck and house is between them.”

As Redtail changed her clothes, she wondered, “Is it dipped in milk?  No, the bread would fall apart.  Unless, of course, it was toasted first.  Maybe he already toasted them.  I’ll bet the bread is buttered.  No, that’d be weird.”

George mapped out their forage route in his head.  “North, past the pond, then west along ZZ.  South along the west fence to the creek.  East along the creek to Redtail’s first camp and back through the woods home.”

Redtail got back to the truck and was intercepted by Mr. Ziffel and delayed for petting until George came out a few minutes later.  He had on a backpack and other stuff.  He carried a small burlap sack which he handed to Redtail.  “A foraging bag.  You can keep it if you like.”

Redtail said, “Oh thank you!  A bag that breathes is lots better than my plastic sacks.”

George said, “Yeah, stuff might get dried out, but wallowing in its own sweat encourages premature spoilage.”

George asked, “What cha got there?”

“A piece of rebar I bent into a digging tool.”

“Want a tire iron?  I’m pretty sure I got more than this one,” George said as he patted a canvas bag that looked like a long belt holster.

“That’d be nice, and it wouldn’t bend like this rebar can,” said Redtail.

George said, “I think I know right where one is.”  He set his stuff down and trotted to the garage and pulled one out from the corner near the open door.  George got back to the truck and handed the iron to Redtail.

Redtail said, “This’ll be nice.  Sharp, stiff, I can hardly wait to try it out.”

George said, “I thought I’d use today to show you the western boundary of the place.  South’s easy, being the creek and north and east are roads.  Also got some cool features of the place you might like.”

“I’m all for exploring, and it’s fun with a guide,” said Redtail.

George said, “Well, let’s get exploring.  We can nibble along the way or we could eat sandwiches now.”

“Whichever the guide says,” said Redtail.  “Shouldn’t we at the very least rinse our food before we eat it, if we can’t cook it?”

George gave Redtail a narrow-eyed look. “I know you just pluck and eat lots of the time.  Why the sudden desire to wash the food?”

Redtail said, “It’s still a good idea.  I guess I’m trying to get into teaching or program mode.”

George confessed, “I guess at my programs I present all the edibles and lessons with all the safety rules firmly attached.”

They headed northwest past the house and to the old fencerow.  A rabbit, just like George mentioned earlier, tried to look scared by hopping lazily three or four hops.  He had to look a little frightened since Mr. Ziffel was with George and Redtail.

George said, “Yep, he’d be easy to get if you needed to.”

“I could almost kick it,” said Redtail.  “These blackberries have a bit to go.  Hard, green, I’ll check on ‘em in a week.”

Past the fencerow they walked into a patch of ground George worked up last winter.  It was just a little more than an acre of rough ground between the fencerow and the pond.

“Here in this patch of ground, we oughtta get a bunch of good stuff,” said George.  “Rain or shine, I think I’ll come back here in the morning for some fresh greens.  I think there’s ample lamb’s quarter and curly dock for us, the critters and the Garden Club.  I will get some onions now.”

“I think I’ll get some greens now, to eat later,” said Redtail.

Northwest they walked, to the pond.

“Oh wow, this is nice!  Is the boat useable?” asked Redtail.

George said, “Last time I used it, it was water-tight.  That’s been a couple years.”

“You said there’s bass and catfish in here,” said Redtail.  “Do you mind if I tried for a few and checked the boat’s sea-worthiness?”

“You don’t have to ask to use Grandpa’s stuff,” smiled George.

Redtail said, “I guess it’s habit –and a courtesy.”  Redtail gasped, “Oh!”

She pounced on the ground.  Redtail stood up triumphantly and tossed her grasshopper into the water.  A fish hit the hopper quickly and forcefully enough both jumped.

Redtail said, “We gotta feed these fish better!”

“I guess so!” said George.  “At least that one was mighty hungry.”

Redtail asked, “Have you tried cattail?  That’s a pretty good-sized patch there.”

George said, “You know, I’ve always been meaning to try it, but something’s always come up to distract me.  I know the roots are edible and the pollen can be used as flour.  Those young seed heads can even be used to make a pulled pork substitute.  Even the shoots are supposed to be good”

Redtail said, “Maybe we should plan a deliberate cattail thing.  Might even try arrowhead root at the same time.”

 “Maybe we’ll do that when this batch of rain gets past,” said George.

As they neared the road, Redtail got excited.  “Ohh! Thistles!” she exclaimed as she drew a knife and set her stuff down.  Redtail squatted to the ground and began to carefully cut off leaves.  She held up each leaf and sliced off the thorny edges, leaving the central vein.

George said, “I’d not met anyone who knew about thistle edibility. I’ve tried ‘em, and they’re pretty good.  I just frequently forget about ‘em.”

Redtail smiled and handed him some trimmed leaves.  “They are really good.  I like the roots and tender stem parts, too.”  She pulled out the tire iron and started to work some roots loose.  “The flowers even make for a gum-like trail chew.  It doesn’t turn to gum at all, but it feels like it in your mouth.”

“Thistle leaves, at least, don’t have that odd wild texture that takes getting used to,” said George.  “I’m gonna cut me a bunch, too, to sweet pickle for tomorrow.”  And George took a squat by  some thistles and began trimming, too.

Redtail said, “I was pleasantly surprised the first time I tried thistle.”

They cut more thistles and headed west down the road.  Redtail said, “I wish chicory grew more on the other side of the ditch like it does right here by the road edge.  I have no idea how much the plants are affected by run-off.”

“Yeah, the run-off’s not likely to crawl back up the ditch on the other side,” said George.

Redtail said, “Here comes a bunch of curly dock.”

George said, “There’s a bunch on the other side of the road, too.”

“Yeah, but it’s growing in amongst all that poison hemlock.  Would that be safe to eat?” said Redtail.  “I mean, the hemlock dies off every year and it decomposes into the soil.  The dock sucks all that stuff back up.  I’m not gonna harvest from that patch.”

George said, “I’ve never heard cautions against foraging in a poison hemlock patch, but it makes sense not to.  I really gotta pull it from around the barn.  That stuff makes good George-repellant.”

Both crossed the ditch to forage the dock on the ‘good-side’ of the road.  They continued west to a gravel farming access to an overgrown field.  George said, “Looks like you get your wish about the chicory.  Here’s a bunch at the edge of this driveway.”

Redtail said, “Wow, there’s lots of it, too.  I don’t like to forage a place unless my target munchie is very plentiful.”

George asked, “So whatcha gonna do with it?”

“Roast the roots for coffee and make a drink from the leaves.  I’ll eat the leaves after I boil ‘em.  I only do the leaves before the plant spikes.  I’m not really sure why.  I guess I think younger’s just gonna be less bitter,” replied Redtail. 

While digging chicory and pondering coffee, Redtail continued, “Ya know, there’s times I think I miss the comfort of indoors, but I don’t have real memories to re-live.  All I get are those that’d-be-cool sorts of memories.  Like right now, I got this picture of sitting back in a big soft chair in a cozy dimly-lit room with a cup of coffee in my hand.  I take a sip of coffee and a long deep breath, closing my eyes and smiling.  I have no clue where that place may be or even if it exists.  It’s weird.”  She began humming and continued digging.

“Well, when the mood hits ya back by the house, c’mon in and make the picture more real,” offered George.

Redtail said, “Yeah, sometimes I wonder where I’ve been and what I did, but, I can’t let not knowing get me down.”

George added, “I’ve done some wondering about you, too.  Only known you for about a week, but I like ya a lot.  You’re fun, inquisitive, surprising, and, well, a granddaughter and I think that’s just great –er, grand.”

Redtail said, “I’m kinda likin’ this me, too.  I like you, the woods, all the new people I’ve met.  I don’t want it to end, but I’m thinking I can’t go on with this semi-homeless state forever.  I hope I don’t find out I’m in more trouble than just having lost my old identity.

“I like how you said, ‘old’ identity,” said George.

Redtail laughed, “Well, yeah, I’ve got an identity now.  I’m RT Scot –full-time camper and granddaughter to a pretty dern nice grandpa.

“Why thank you,” said George. “What say we break into those sandwiches.”

“That sounds good,” said Redtail. “I’ve been wondering what Dairy Country peanut butter and jelly might be.”

“Oh, ho ho ho!  Prepare yourself for a culinary delight to surpass all,” said George as he pulled the sandwiches from the paper bag.

Redtail started to look in her sandwich and George startled her with a “No! Don’t peek.  That’s cheating.  Just bite into it and savor the flavor and texture.”  He closed his eyes and with emotion, continued, “Involve your whole being with the experience.”

Redtail laughed while closing her eyes.  She bit off a corner of her Dairy Country PBJ and began to chew.   “Mmmm! This is smooth.  Almost dessert-like.  It’s good!  I still like the real kind, too.”

“Real kind!?” harrumphed George with a smile.

Redtail smiled and kept on being one with her culinary experience.

George said, “Being brought up around dairy, that’s what I got –buttered bread.  Your ‘real’ kind are almost too dry for me.”

They finished their sandwiches while discussing the subtleties of peanut butter on bread.

With lunch completed, they continued their walk.  ZZ turned north and our foragers turned south and into the woods.

“Here’s the west end of my, or our, place,” said George. “It’s peaceful having Perry’s Bend to my west and south.  I get an occasional hunter stray onto the place, but not very often.”

Redtail said, “You’d think a fence would tip ‘em off they’re crossing a line of some sort.”

George said, “You’d think so, but that whole better-to-ask-forgiveness-than-permission runs way too rampant these days.”

Redtail said, “Well, I gotta apologize.  I sure wasn’t myself when I settled on your place without asking.  I’m still not sure what “myself” really is.”

George said, “I think your case was lots different from a trespassing hunter or dumper.  Not real sure how it’s different, but it is.  Anyway, you got permission now, so it’s all cool.”

Redtail said, “Trespassing never crossed my mind when I found that site by the creek. Wow.”  She stared as she walked.

“One big difference is trespassing hunters and all the others, for that matter, instantly act caught in the wrong and start making excuses,” explained George. “You were happy to have a visitor, and I saw pure innocence to any wrong-doing.”

“Well, I’m really really thankful you didn’t run me off.  And I love it, the way you’re helping me and just accepted me –despite my weirdness.  And yeah, I know I can come across as pretty weird,” said Redtail.

“The woods on my side of the fence gets a little thicker than on the Perry side,” said George. “It’s sure pretty and dark, but not much forage at all.”

Redtail said, “Woods edges are cool, like this fence line was open way more recently than your woods.  Your woods has almost no underbrush!  That canopy is thick!”

“Not much in a mature forest other than nuts in the fall, stink bugs under the leaf litter in the winter, a few spring plants and scattered mushrooms.  Yeah, it’s pretty,” said George, “but ya can’t eat pretty.  I may cut down a few trees and let in some light.”

Redtail said, “Where underbrush is sparse, it seems so is the wildlife.  Lots of squirrels in an oak hickory woods, but not much else except what’s just passing through.”

After a bit, they reached the creek.  It was the wider, deeper part Redtail already knew from her fishing.  “I know there’s lots of stuff here,” said Redtail.

“Hey kids!” came a shout from the Perry’s Bend side of the creek.  “I thought I could catch you here.” 

George smiled and in about a minute, sounds of crunching leaves led their eyes to Sarah’s approach from the other side of the creek.  “I didn’t know which way you’d be coming from, but I figured a perimeter forage would bring you past here sooner or later,” said Sarah.  She glanced around at the creek above the pool and hopped across on some dry rocks.

Redtail asked, “How did you get out here?”

Sarah said, “There’s a parking lot not too far up that trail on the other side of the pool here.”

“I guess I’d never stumbled across that trail,” said Redtail.  “But I’ve only fished the pool a couple times.”

George said, “This just hit me, until we can figure out how to get you licensed, you probably shouldn’t be fishing anywhere but the pond.  The landowner hunting/fishing permission only pertains within the property, and the creek and pool aren’t within.

Redtail said, “That won’t throw a big wrench in my life at all, since that pond looks pretty good.  I think I’ll be able to control myself at the creek.  Hmm.  Crawdads may still be tasty from time to time.”

“So, George,” said Sarah, “Do you ever bring ‘real’ meat to your programs, or is it only bugs and little invertebrates?”

George laughed, “Real meat!  Real peanut butter and jelly!”  He laughed again, “Yes, I started out actually cooking on-site, but that ended up being too time and attention consuming.  Dried bugs are so easy.  Even as easy as salads or fresh greens are, dried is still way easier.  I used to include frog legs, raccoon, ‘possum, rabbit, turtle and other meatier critters, but convenience drove me to the dry side.  I still bring jerky from time to time.”

Redtail said, “I don’t know what kind of life I led, but it seems so natural that food’s just food, no matter if it’s green or blue or black or red or gray…  OK, maybe gray’s sometimes iffy.

George said, “The difference between ‘real’ and ‘weird’ food usually boils down to unexpected or new flavors and textures.  Like Queen Anne’s lace, when it’s real young, has very carroty…”

Sarah comments under her breath, “Carroty?”

Redtail smugly smiled and whispered “Well, I know what he means, so it’s a real word.”

Sarah whispered, “Yeah, me too, but it just sounded…”

George interrupted the interruptions, “You two ‘bout done?”

The two snapped to attention looking like kids caught chattering in class.  Sarah even said softly, “Yes teacher.”

George chuckled and continued, “Queen Anne’s lace, when it’s really young, tastes, smells and even feels in the mouth, very much like our domestic carrots.  They’re named Queen Anne’s lace for the flower, but also wild carrot for the root.”  He caught an eye-roll and smile out of Sarah, but finished anyway.  “Y’all probably heard this already, but I’ve even heard if you let carrots go wild three or four generations, they’ll revert back to Queen Anne’s lace.”

Sarah added, “They’re non-native invasives, too.”

George said, “I didn’t even know you knew that phrase.”

Redtail said, “We’re not as ignorant as lots of outdoorsmen might think.”

George stumbled over his words, “I nev… Oh…”

Sarah rescued George from his tongue, “I probably heard it from you a long time ago.”

Redtail broke the short silence that followed.  “Textures and the unexpected?”

George said, “I got to inflict my Queen Anne’s lace lecture on Redtail a couple days back, but anyway,  most Queen Anne’s lace is too woody and fibrous to chew, while some isn’t.  If you simply like the flavor, you can still fix the roots in stews and stuff and take ‘em out before you eat.”

“Yeah, like with bay leaves,” said Redtail.

“Like bay leaves?” asked Sarah.

George and Redtail gave Sarah a look, and she continued, “Yeah, you mean you take out bay leaves before eating?”

And George got distracted, “Ah, here we go.  Smilax or greenbrier!”

Sarah said, “Sounds like baby formula.”

“But it’s not,” replied George.

“Oh, this stu.. Ouch!” winced Sarah.

“Redtail giggled, “That’s it, but don’t eat the thorny parts.”

George said, “Look for the soft growing tips like here.”

Sarah said, “Oh, I found some. Ouch!  George, can I borrow your clippers?  I feel like such a wimp ‘cuz this tiny, barely visible little thorn tip has rendered my thumb nearly useless.”

George pulled his keys from his pocket and handed them to Sarah.  She pulled a key from the clipper jaws and started digging at her thumb with the clipper.”

George said, “I think I got a tweezers in my pack.”

“It’s caught early enough.  Not too deep, anyway,” said Sarah as she continued her surgery with the clippers.

George stopped his foraging as he watched Sarah with concern.  Redtail smiled and George caught it.  “What cha thinking?” asked George.

Redtail said, “Oh, you two.  You’re more than just friendly acquaintances.  You don’t need no matchmaker, ‘cuz it’s already made.  Y’all just need convincing.  And to top it off, I got the strong urge to call you ‘Grandma Sarah’, like I call George, ‘Grandpa’.”

Sarah smirked, “Ha! Gotcha, you nasty little bugger!”  She looked at her thumb and continued, “Man, that was a lot of sting for no blood.”  She stuck her thumb in her mouth and bit it.  “Ah, there’s a little,” she said with a smile handing George’s keys back.  “It now feels more worthwhile going through that removal.”

George asked, “Should I kiss it and make it all better?”

“No!” said Sarah.

George grabbed her hand and kissed the wound anyway as Sarah yanked her hand back. “Ow, you poked it with a mustache hair!”  Then she softly leaned a shoulder into George as if saying, “But that’s OK.”

Redtail laughed, “You two!”

George and Sarah stepped apart with an almost visible reluctance and a discernible twinkle in their eyes.

George said, “So let that be a lesson to ya.  Be careful around thorny plants.”

Redtail added, “Or you might get poked by a mustache hair.”

George said, “By the way, Sarah, hearing ‘Grandpa George’ feels pretty good.”

Sarah asked, “How’d you know I was thinkin’ that?”

Redtail said with a smile as she skipped several paces ahead, “More evidence.  Match made.”

George and Sarah looked at each other and smiled again as they all continued on their walk.

Redtail called out, “Here’s my raspberry patch!  There’s a few left, and Oh, cool! There’s even a few blackberries that might be ready!  Must be just enough sunnier here than up in the tree line by the house that they’re a little more mature here.”

George said, “There’s usually not much overlap in the seasons if ya find any at all.”

Redtail said, “Be careful of thorns!”

Everybody smiled as they picked the few ripe berries that were left or ready.

Redtail asked, “Grandpa George?”

“Yes, grand daughter?”

Redtail giggled a bit, “Are there any watch or clock-makers in the area?”

“Why’s that?”

“Well, ‘cuz I’m finding parts.  I already found two ticks.”

Sarah smiled and rolled her eyes.

George asked, “Crawling or dug in?”

Redtail said, “Still crawling.  I killed ‘em.”

Sarah said, “Oh great, now ya got me feeling all crawly.”

George jumped and grabbed a spot under his sock, ”Oh great, this one’s in.  Good, I got him!  Whoever said, ‘Don’t sweat the small stuff.’ hasn’t spent much time in the woods.”

Sarah added, “or with greenbrier.”

Redtail threw in, “or with a mosquito sharing tent space.”

George said, “Yeah, them little vampires are probably gonna get nasty after the rain fills some of their hatcheries.”

Redtail said, “It’s getting’ darker faster than I think it should.  Rain’s probably getting pretty close.”

“We oughtta be hurrying a bit,” said George. “Sarah, how you gettin’ back to your car?”

Sarah said, “I thought I’d borrow an umbrella and trudge back through the rain,” and she slapped George on the back of his head.  “You old poop!”

George laughed and Redtail said sternly, “Now you be home at a decent hour, young man!”

George said, “Hey, I’m the grandpa here.”

Redtail said, on spotting her old campsite, “I don’t think I miss this place.  I like being closer to people –specially y’all.”  After a slight pause, she said, “When am I supposed to be ready for tomorrow’s program?  I’m sort of on a flexible six-time clock –first thing in the morning, mid-morning, lunch, afternoon, evening and night.”

Sarah said, “Oh, so many times I wish my clock was like that!”

George said, “Probably afternoon, because it’s almost an hour’s drive, but I’ll gitcha.”

The overhead leaves starting hissing and soon the canopy was penetrated by the rain.  Our foragers muttered and covered up as best they could and put a significant spring in their steps.  They arrived at Redtail’s new camp and Redtail invited George and Sarah into the tent to shake off and organize their stuff.

George said, “Nice place ya got here.”

Redtail said, “Yeah! Plenty roomy and got almost all my needs met.”

Sarah bumped into George while shaking off.  Redtail said, “Oh, feel free to spill into the bedroom or changing room.”

George stepped into the changing room where Redtail hung her clothes and stored things. “You got plastic tubs.  Where’d they come from?”

Redtail said, “I thought you left them.  They were here the first morning I was using this camp.”

Sarah suggested, “Someone must’ve heard you needed some dry storage space and decided to play early Santa or late birthday.”

Redtail looked up and said, loudly, “Whoever you are, thank you!”

George and Sarah got reorganized and headed out to the truck.  As they ran, Sarah said, “I sure hope you left the doors unlocked.”

Redtail called out, “See you tomorrow!”